Illustration of a mass gainer supplement for skinny guys.

Should Skinny Guys Use Mass Gainers?

Mass gainers, also known as weight gainers, are popular with skinny guys trying to bulk up. They’re especially popular with “hardgainers” whose metabolisms make it difficult to gain weight. I’m a naturally skinny guy myself, and I’ve always found it nearly impossible to get into a sustainable calorie surplus.

I’ve experimented with my fair share of mass gainers. I’ve tried all the popular brands, I’ve made my own homemade shakes from whey protein and maltodextrin, and I’ve tried all sorts of thousand-calorie bulking shakes. That’s how I gained my first 50 pounds.

So, do mass gainers work? Are they healthy? Do they cause excess fat gain? And, if you’re a skinny guy struggling to gain weight, should you use them?

Bony to Beastly illustration showing a skinny guy bulking up and becoming muscular.

Video Version

If you’d rather watch than read, I made a five-minute video covering all the same points as the article:

I’m trying to gradually make videos for our most popular bulking articles, but there are also some videos unique to the YouTube channel. If you’d like an article or video on anything related to building muscle, let me know in the comments.

What Are Mass Gainers?

Mass gainers, sometimes referred to as weight gainers, are high-calorie shakes. A typical serving contains around 50 grams of protein and 250 grams of carbs, yielding 1200 calories overall… which is quite a lot!

Illustration of a mass gainer / weight gainer supplement.

There are a wide variety of mass gainers containing a variety of different ingredients. Some use a blend of different protein powders. Others use ground-up oats instead of maltodextrin. Some include fats. Most of them lean heavily into protein and starchy carbs, though. Carbs are great for building muscle, so that’s usually a good thing.

Do Mass Gainers Work?

Mass gainers are fantastic for gaining weight and building muscle. They contain tons of easily digested calories, and those calories come from macros that are great for building muscle. (More on bulking macros here.)

A graph showing the muscle growth and fat gains from a hypertrophy study.

In a study by Rozenek and colleagues, men supplementing with maltodextrin and whey protein gained 7.5 pounds of muscle in 8 weeks while simultaneously losing a tiny bit of fat (study). Most of this muscle growth is thanks to the robust workout program, but even so, it shows that mass gainers are able to fuel rapid rates of muscle growth.

27–50 grams of whey protein is enough to create a nearly maximal spike in muscle-protein synthesis.

Maltodextrin is a starchy carb that’s nutritionally similar to pasta. It digests quickly and easily, it’s a good source of calories, and it’s the perfect type of carb for packing your muscles full of glycogen, which can speed up muscle growth (full explanation).

When you combine when and starchy carbs, you get a simple meal replacement that’s effortless to prepare and easy on your appetite, making it easier to eat enough calories to gain weight. That’s why mass gainers are so good for skinny guys: they’re an easy source of calories.

Mass Gainer Results

Here’s a photo of Jared getting his newbie gains, gaining 27 pounds in 4 months. He was doing three full-body workouts per week and having a mass gainer after every workout.

Jared's before and after progress photos showing him going from being a skinny ectomorph to being muscular.

I’ve used mass gainers myself, too. And although I’ve always dreaded having to drink them, they helped me eat enough calories to build muscle. Here are some before and after photos from my second bulk, showing me going from 150 up to 175 pounds in 3 months while using a mass gainer:

Before and after progress photos showing Shane Duquette bulking up with mass gainers.

Since then, we’ve helped a little over 10,000 skinny guys bulk up, and we’ve always been open about the pros and cons of using mass gainers. Some guys choose to use them. Most don’t. It’s never noticeably affected their bulking results.

Before and after photo of a skinny guy building muscle

Sometimes guys make perfectly lean gains while supplementing with gainers. Other times guys gain too much fat from overeating whole foods. It’s not a major factor either way.

Are Mass Gainers Healthy?

Mass gainers are heavily processed and don’t contain many micronutrients. That means you’d need to get your micronutrients from the rest of your diet. That might not be a problem. If your regular diet is nutritious, and you add a mass gainer to get into a calorie surplus, then your diet is still rich in nutrients.

If your diet is already somewhat poor, you’re adding empty calories into a diet that’s already deficient. Better to take the opposite approach. Instead of supplementing with a mass gainer, blend up a high-calorie bulking smoothie. Blending doesn’t reduce the nutritional value of food, so blending up healthy foods is a really easy way to eat a better diet.

Illustration of a doctor checking a skinny and muscular man to see if they're healthy.

The other thing to keep in mind is that going from being skinny to being strong and muscular is a huge boon to our general health. Building muscle, gaining strength, and habitually lifting weights are all incredibly healthy. If a weight gainer helps you make progress, it can be a net positive.

In my case, all of my health markers improved while bulking, even though I was getting a significant portion of my calories from weight gainers. However, nowadays, I prefer getting my extra calories from whole foods. If I’m falling behind on calories, I’ll blend up a high-calorie shake.

What’s the Best Way to Use Mass Gainers?

As a general rule of thumb, a skinny beginner might want to gain 0.5–1 pound per week (full explanation). If you’re struggling to gain weight consistently, try consuming a mass gainer after every workout. If that’s still not moving the scale up, try consuming a mass gainer on rest days, too. If that’s still not working, you might enjoy our article on how to eat more calories.

The benefit of having your mass gainers after working out is twofold:

  • That “anabolic post-workout window” is overhyped but rooted in truth. Right after you work out is a great time to have a protein shake, a big bulking meal, or a mass gainer.
  • After working out, a lot of skinny guys find it hard to eat a big meal. Maybe that’s because they need to change, shower, and then head home from the gym. Maybe it’s because their pre-workout supplement blunted their appetite. Or maybe lifting kills their appetite for a couple of hours. Sipping on a mass gainer while training and then chugging what’s left at the end ensures that we’re not falling behind on calories.

The real trick with mass gainers is to make sure you aren’t gaining weight too quickly. If you’re gaining 0.5–1 pound per week, no problem. But if you’re gaining much more than that, especially for more than a week or two in a row, you might want to slow things down. It’s not that the weight gainer itself is fattening; it’s just that you’re consuming too many calories overall and gaining weight too fast.

Do Weight Gainers Cause Excess Fat Gain?

Mass gainers won’t cause extra fat gain if you’re not consuming too many calories overall. The serving sizes are quite large, though, and mass gainers tend to be quite easy on the appetite, so it’s common for people to overdo it. That isn’t because the mass gainers are fattening, but rather because they’re consuming too many calories.

Are Mass Gainers Better than Real Food?

It’s better to get more of your calories from whole foods. There are plenty of great bulking foods that make great alternatives to mass gainers. We have a list of them in this article.

Mass gainers don’t have any special muscle-building advantages; they’re just an easy source of calories that aren’t very filling. They’re a useful tool for people who struggle to gain weight when they eat real food.

Can You Have Mass Gainers Before Bed?

You probably shouldn’t have a weight gainer before bed. We go into this in more detail in our article on sleeping for muscle growth, but it’s usually a bad idea to consume a huge meal before going to bed. When you digest that food, your body temperature will rise, making it harder to get restful sleep.

It’s usually better to have smaller meals before bed. I like to have some frozen berries with Greek yogurt and honey. If you’re short on protein, have some protein powder.

Mass Gainers and Stomach Aches

It’s common for people to get a stomach ache after having a mass gainer shake. The main problem is the monstrous serving sizes. The stomach ache you get from a 1,250-calorie weight gainer isn’t so different from the stomach ache you’d get from wolfing down a 1,250-calorie meal. Here’s what to do:

  • Reduce the serving size. Instead of consuming the 1,250-calorie servings, have 50–75% of the serving, giving you more like 625–800 calories. You can make up for the missing calories by having a small snack.
  • Consume the weight gainers during or right after working out. I would sip on a mass gainer while working out, then chug whatever was left afterwards. I’ve never had stomach problems that way, and it gave me great energy while lifting weights.
  • Use a BlenderBottle. They’re usually big enough to fit plenty of water and have a little whisk ball to break up the clumps.

What’s the Best Mass Gainer?

Optimum Nutrition is well-priced, available from most retailers, and always does well when randomly tested by third-party labs (like ConsumerLab). I used their mass gainer, Serious Mass (Amazon Affiliate Link), on and off for a couple of years. I still use their whey protein regularly.


Some skinny people really do benefit from supplementing with mass gainers while bulking. They won’t speed up the rate your body can build muscle, but they can make it easier to eat more of the right kinds of calories—protein and starchy carbs. And given how important it is to eat enough protein, calories, and carbs, that can dramatically improve your bulking results.

However, whole foods are an important part of eating a nutritious bulking diet. Most of the time, most of your calories should come from minimally processed foods. If you can, try blending up a high-calorie smoothie instead of supplementing with a weight gainer.

Illustration showing the Bony to Beastly Bulking Program

If you want us to walk you through the entire bulking process, check out our Bony to Beastly (men’s) program or Bony to Bombshell (women’s) programThey include a 5-month customizable workout routine, a full bulking diet plan, a bulking recipe book, a deep dive into lifestyle and fitness, and coaching from us.

Shane Duquette is the founder of Outlift, Bony to Beastly, and Bony to Bombshell, each with millions of readers. He's a Certified Conditioning Coach (CCC), has gained seventy pounds, and has over a decade of experience helping more than ten thousand naturally thin people build muscle. He also has a degree in fine arts, but those are inversely correlated with muscle growth.

Cassandra Duquette is a certified Nutritionist (CNP).
Cassandra Duquette

Cassandra Duquette is a certified nutritionist (CNP) living in Cancun, Mexico. She takes a holistic approach to nutrition, combining a good diet with exercise and a healthy lifestyle. She's gained 23 pounds, bulking up from 97 to 120 pounds.

How to build 20 to 30 pounds of muscle in 30 days. Even if you have failed before

Muscle-Building Mini-Course via EMAIL

Sign up for our 5-part muscle-building mini-course that covers everything you need to know about:

  • Hardgainer genetics and how to make the most of them.
  • How to take a minimalist approach to building muscle while still getting great results.
  • What you need to know about aesthetics, health and strength while muscling up.


  1. Leah on December 5, 2020 at 2:58 am

    Really excellent article, thank you so much!

  2. Ian on March 18, 2022 at 8:23 am

    Really enjoyed reading this article whilst adding some useful knowledge throughout. This was actually perfect for me so much so “The skinny kid” and examples and explanations seemed tailor suited and direct for myself!! Thank you for helping me decide from the 2 options in mind as 1 of the 2 was actually OPTIMUM NUTRITION and have now purchased some.

    • Shane Duquette on March 21, 2022 at 2:25 pm

      Thanks, Ian! I appreciate that.

      Good luck bulking up, dude! 🙂

  3. Toyyab on April 23, 2022 at 4:11 am

    Hello sir,
    I am 18 y/o.I am suffering from low body weight. I am a very very skinny guy and everyone laughs at me. I am mentally disturbed by this problem. Please help me, sir.
    What should I do in this situation?

    Thank you.


    • Shane Duquette on May 2, 2022 at 9:11 am

      I hear ya, man. It was the same for me. I hated it, too. And as much as people say to be yourself and be satisfied with how you are, it’s hard when everyone keeps reminding you how skinny and underweight you are. I wish I had had more self-esteem, but in my case, the self-esteem came by learning that I could make progress when I put my mind to it.

      Why not bulk up, gain some weight, and build some muscle? Even the skinniest of guys can build muscle. You can do this.

  4. Mohamed Helmy on June 7, 2022 at 11:02 am

    Good informative article. Am using Serious Mass and it’s very well described, Shane.
    Thank you so much.

    • Shane Duquette on June 7, 2022 at 2:05 pm

      Happy to help, man! Good luck with your bulk 🙂

  5. Frend hiru on July 25, 2022 at 7:37 pm

    Really good article.
    I am really skinny guy my hight is 5.8 and mu weight is 50Kg I need to get some weight
    As per my job per day i am walking around 15000 steps to 22000 steps and also i do cycling I don’t have a time for Gym can you recommend me a weight gain pls I don’t have any idea about that.

    • Shane Duquette on July 28, 2022 at 6:24 pm

      Thank you, man!

      Making time for resistance training is an important part of gaining weight. That’s how you gain muscle instead of fat. You don’t need to go the gym, though. One option is to buy some adjustable dumbbells. Another option is to do bodyweight workouts. The workouts don’t need to take long. 20 minutes 3x per week is enough if you focus on the big exercises and you really put in good effort. But some form of resistance training is really important.

  6. Cody on September 14, 2022 at 8:16 pm

    I have a consistent workout routine and am consuming around 4500 calories a day to maintain a weight increase. Weight gainer has made this much easier and I’ve built muscle extremely quick going from 110 lbs at 6ft tall to 170 lbs with around 5-6% body fat in 6 months. It almost seems impossible. You have helped me TONS! Will be recommending this article.

    • Shane Duquette on September 17, 2022 at 2:57 pm

      Woot! Congratulations on the progress, man! SIXTY pounds! That’s so awesome 😀

  7. Modesty El on November 27, 2022 at 3:28 pm

    So boom here it is. I just don’t know if this is right for me. Everyone tells me That I Have to gain more weight not necessarily muscle but weight because I lost 60Lbs (I got admitted to the hospital for some (3 months) and I’m not really sure what happened, but I want to gain the weight back in a healthy way.

    So I’ve been slowly working my way back up to 130 lbs (gotta take baby steps and get it back up lol)! And I don’t see much of a drastic change/difference in my weight. Mind you this happened in late October 2019. I have tried everything. From walking to running. Even cramming my face with pizzas with a bunch of cheese and eating like a pig. I even tried taking supplements for a few months but that didn’t work out for me. So my question is, how can I gain weight somewhat naturally?

    • Shane Duquette on November 29, 2022 at 8:42 am

      Hey Modesty, I’m sorry you lost those sixty pounds! That’s a lot of weight to lose. Sounds like you suffered quite a trauma. I hope you feel better now.

      Gaining weight isn’t so much about sometimes cramming yourself full of food. That was my approach as a skinny guy. It never worked. It wasn’t consistent or structured enough. Eating a huge pizza is a huge meal, but it’s not a huge diet—not unless you’re eating big enough at every meal, every day. It also doesn’t take THAT big of a calorie surplus to gain weight at a healthy rate. You only want to be gaining something like 0.5–1 pound per week, which is only around 200–500 extra calories per day. You’re regaining lost weight, so if you’re lifting weights, you might want to be gaining weight even faster than that, but even so, the surplus isn’t THAT big.

      What I’d recommend instead is eating 3–4 meals per day and snacking between those meals, maybe eating 5–7 times per day. Those meals can be a reasonable size. They can be healthy. And you won’t ever feel miserably full or lethargic. The trick is to keep eating those meals consistently every day. Don’t skip them. If you aren’t gaining weight, or if you ever stop gaining weight, then add another 200 calories to your diet. That isn’t much. A banana and a cup of milk. Or a serving of trail mix.

      We have an article on how to gain weight by eating a healthy bulking diet. I’d also recommend exercising while you do it. The exercise will help you regain more lean weight and less fat. If you can, I recommend hypertrophy training, but any type of exercise is infinitely better than nothing.

      If you want even more help, our Bony to Beastly Program is all about how to gain weight in a healthy and natural way.

  8. sokh on January 18, 2023 at 5:15 am

    If the world was filled with individuals like yourself, it would certainly be a much better place. Thank you for being a positive influence.

  9. Simon on March 31, 2023 at 3:42 am

    Hi. I am Simon. I weigh 55kg at 5’8. I feel so depressed by the fact that people call me a skinny guy. I would like to gain some weight. I want to be about 70kg. Please advise me on which supplements can I take to attain it.

    • Shane Duquette on March 31, 2023 at 9:34 am

      Hey Simon, I hear you, man. I was in the same situation. Almost every reader of this blog can relate to what you’re going through.

      There’s a concept I like called Amor Fati. It’s the idea that our genetics and circumstances shape us. Our fate binds us. We’re naturally skinny. Such is life.

      However, our fate isn’t a limitation; it’s an opportunity. We have the potential to become the best version of ourselves. It will be a struggle, but that struggle is what life is all about. Struggle is what gives us purpose and passion. It will be difficult to train, eat better, eat MORE, and bulk up. Improving other areas of your life will be difficult, too. But that difficulty is part of the joy of life. And perhaps more importantly, you can succeed. You can live up to your potential.

      We have an article about muscle-building supplements. You can read it. You could buy mass gainers, creatine, and maybe some protein powder. Those things could help you gain weight, provided you pair them with resistance training and eat enough calories overall. But the supplements have fairly little impact on your results. Don’t focus on them. If you do, you will fail. You will be throwing your money into a bonfire. Instead, focus on resistance training, eating a good bulking diet, and living a healthy lifestyle. That’s where 99% of your results will come from.

      You got this, man. Feel free to ask more questions. We’re here to help 🙂

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